Monday, August 12, 2013


The August garden from our window.

Our tomatoes minutes before we make marinara!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


After a month of silence, I finally get a chance to post. Our trip to Alaska was wonderful! Dinner tonight will be strictly garden produce to keep it easy. Thank you Randi for babysitting for us! And thank you Mom, Grandpa, and Alex for a wonderful vacation! And especially thank you to Bill and Wanda for keeping such great care of our Garden!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Zucchini of course

So far I have made zucchini spaghetti, cold curried zucchini soup, braised zukes, onion, & tomato, and zucchini bread. Some other 2800 farmers are not eating their fair share! There are lots of bush beans and tomatoes. The peas are just about over, but the scarlet runners are gorgeous.  We have a bunch of pea-sized little tomatillos, too.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

The end of June heat wave

Squash blossoms, pumpkin blossoms, peaseblossoms, scarlet on the scarlet runners!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Time flies when you're pulling weeds!

First all garden grown salad

First strawberry

Bill planted 4 artichokes

With intersticed bushbeans

Someone up the street has planted their veggies all in rows --our approach looks more like a committee design~~~

Lots of peas!

The nutmeg thyme is blooming prettily~~~

Monday, June 17, 2013

June 17th Update

Despite promises of thunderstorms today was gorgeous and I was able to week and plant and fertilize. Below are my new additions and a global picture.

So Beautiful!

Look at all the good stuff!

New Pumpkins down by the squash. We'll see how they do.


New strawberries and cauliflower.

From June 13th

That looks like a wonderful father's day dinner! Here are my late contributions from last Thursday:

Blooming Zinnias 

Look at the squash!

Blooming tomatoes

Oh no! The grass is invading my lettuce! 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day

Chard for dinner!

Nasturtiums blooming,,,

Baby tomatoes

Chard after harvest

Scarlet runners have runners

Bill's fuschia

Trailing rosemary starting to trail...

Pretty blooming groundcover in the south rockery

Salvia blooming -- looking for hummingbirds

Basil waiting to become pesto

Brittney's first pumpkin is up!!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

My disappointing dinner

After a wonderful afternoon of weeding and attempting to use newspaper as weed protection. Seeing Rose's new additions and hard work. And most excitedly the peas! I came home to no power and no way to cook the steak intended for the top of our salad. Oh well! Delayed gratification for tonight.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Lovin' the sunshine!

Over the weekend we went to another plant sale and came home with a couple of tomatillas, an eggplant, and orange peppermint.  Had to fight a lot of cherry  tree roots to expand the garden strip along the west wall, but finally got things planted. Rose and Brittney have really gotten the greensward looking good.  Bill and I have been breakfasting out in the front terrace just to admire the view.

New additions from Thursday

I tilled the new spot. Then I added broccoli, cucumbers, new lettuce, and Zinnia plants and seeds.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day

There are more additions to the gardening project:
Bill in his new urban gardener suspenders

A cactus has appeared.

The purple sage looking for riders

A rose e'er blooming

Salvia in a pot planning to attract humming birds

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Updates from May 22nd

Hello Gardeners,

Just wanted to let you know the updates I have made to the space. I know that the lettuce is loving the cool, rainy weather, but the tomatoes are just not sure about it :). Here are my pics:

Here is our new pumpkin/squash patch.

Wanda's pumpkin starts.

Feyd impatiently waiting for me to finish watering the pumpkins and squash.

Wanda's new lights for the squash in the lower garden.

The celery and tomatoes.

The potatoes are going crazy! They will be delicious!

The peas and beans are very happy.

Rose began work on the next bed! Any suggestions to what should go here?

It looks like rose added more the the far bed.

The onions, freshly weeded and recovered.

The lettuce just going crazy.

And my dill, now I just need some cucumbers....

