Hello Gardeners,
Just wanted to let you know the updates I have made to the space. I know that the lettuce is loving the cool, rainy weather, but the tomatoes are just not sure about it :). Here are my pics:
Here is our new pumpkin/squash patch.
Wanda's pumpkin starts.
Feyd impatiently waiting for me to finish watering the pumpkins and squash.
Wanda's new lights for the squash in the lower garden.
The celery and tomatoes.
The potatoes are going crazy! They will be delicious!
The peas and beans are very happy.
Rose began work on the next bed! Any suggestions to what should go here?
It looks like rose added more the the far bed.
The onions, freshly weeded and recovered.
The lettuce just going crazy.
And my dill, now I just need some cucumbers....